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A Word for Christians - Leave the Land of Unbelief

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

As a Christian are you tired of hiding in fear, worrying yourself over everything, or being emotionally unstable when it comes to your response to the darkness you see rising in the world today?

So many believers are not just struggling with these contrary matters but overcome with paralyzing fear & doubt.

Listen today to my conversation with Leeann about how God interrupted her long-term partnership with doubt and how she said, “Enough is enough.” What did LeeAnn do when we realized she was not really trusting God with everything?

Leeann shares about how she was delivered from the land of unbelief! She wants women to know there's a working of the Holy Spirit in us to release the life inside of us to bring deliverance to people and families.

Connect with Leeann Freeman on Facebook at @leeann.freeman.106 or @WOW-Womens-Ministries where you can learn about her upcoming October 28th event Going Deep Women’s Conference at Covenant Life Fellowship Church in Mexia TX.


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