68. Resist! Guard Your Heart from Compromise
65. So, What's Truth to YOU?
64. Resist the Temptation to Mix Belief Systems | Know the Truth
63. In Today's Culture, There's NO Place for the "In-Between"
62. You are EMPOWERED NOW to Rule & Reign
61. Willingness Required! Blessing comes from DOING
60. Don't Be Like the Rest Walk with the Wise
58. Jesus Came to Reconcile & Restore, NOW YOU do the Same! Go, Tell
57. Jesus' Words Over Jerusalem Apply to Us Today!
56. Listen, Christian! It's YOUR out-of-control SOUL that Challenges You EVERY DAY
54. Christian, You Need to Get this RIGHT! What sets you apart?
53. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | The Reward of HONOR
52. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | Impacting Our World by Prayer
51. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | Impacting Our World
50. The Truth Test | Proper as You Develop Right Attitudes toward Eternal Truth
49. The Truth Test | Guard Yourself from Wrong Attitudes toward Eternal Truth
48. The Truth Test | Discover the Effects of Eternal TRUTH
47. The Truth Test | Diving Deep Into Cultural Truths
46. The Truth Test | Understand the TRUTH Difference
44. Special Christmas Day Program | The Greatest GIFT ever Given to YOU